Feeling Burned Out? What You Need Is Some R&R
Most people think burnout can be solved by a little R&R. I agree, but not “rest and relaxation” in the conventional sense! The R&R required to beat a chronic condition like burnout goes much deeper.
Most people think burnout can be solved by a little R&R. I agree, but not “rest and relaxation” in the conventional sense! The R&R required to beat a chronic condition like burnout goes much deeper.
Image borrowed from CBC: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/north/yukon-kamloops-residential-school-children-remains-1.6047636 Tomorrow, June 21, is “National Indigenous Peoples Day” and June is also “National Indigenous History Month.” Google tells me that National Indigenous History Month was declared in 2009 by the Government of Canada to “recognize and celebrate the heritage and ongoing accomplishments of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis communities.” While …
People who know me will say that I have always been very a inclusive friend (often to a fault). If I were having a party, all of my friends would be invited, even if being in the same room made some of them uncomfortable, two people were fighting, or one group didn’t like the other. …