Professional Services

Project Management and Environmental Engineering in Whitehorse, Yukon
About Kismet Consulting’s Professional Services in the yukon

Creating Synergies for Positive Outcomes

Kismet Consulting offers “technical and leadership solutions with heart” by placing social empathy and emotional intelligence at the core of everything that we do. We seek to find synergies in every project because, in the end, projects and their deliverables are about and for people. Completing projects on time and within budget is fundamental to our work, as are the values of respect, integrity, and collaboration. 

Management services in whitehorse, yukon

Professional Services

Kismet Consulting provides trusted environmental engineering and business solutions in our unique Northern environment. We encourage collaboration to empower and lead with grace, and we build synergy through social empathy, integrity, and respect. We bring our diverse background to a wide range of projects including municipal and community infrastructure, business development, and emotionally intelligent leadership.

Our clients are people who require both technical/business acumen and emotional intelligence; people who value respectful leadership by someone who listens to their concerns and honors their needs while getting the job done. We also love working with Yukon First Nations, non-profits, and others to build capacity and see amazing projects come to life to support communities to thrive.

the Kismet consulting leadership philosophy

Lead with Grace!

In the North, each project is unique but one thing that remains the same is that they’re comprised of PEOPLE with the same goal: project success. Projects often have many interested parties including First Nations, governments, and contractors (to name a few) who come to the table with diverse backgrounds and cultures. The best way to ensure project success in an environment with such diversity is with a socially empathic, emotionally intelligent, and collaborative leader.

Emotional Intelligence

An emotionally intelligent project leader can use their social skills, relationship skills and self-awareness to “read the room” and sense whether things are going well. They can understand and manage their own emotions as well as understand the emotions of others, and they use this skill to improve team social environments and keep projects on track. Self-awareness is a key component of EQ because it enables leaders to recognize their own emotions and the impact that those emotions can have on the team. 

Social Empathy

Social empathy is the ability to understand and have compassion towards different social groups. Leaders with this trait will consider each group’s cultural, economic and political circumstances, using empathy to build bridges between them. Considered the “art of understanding others”, social empathy makes the world a better place by fostering understanding between social groups through respect and kindness. Social empathy is essential while managing projects in the North due to the diversity of cultures and perspectives. 

Collaborative Leadership

A collaborative leader uses diversity to find creative ways to solve problems. While social empathy helps the leader understand and value diversity, collaboration is the forum that empowers those voices to be heard because everybody brings something unique and special to the table! Although it’s not possible to make everyone happy, collaboration creates an environment where everyone’s experience is valued in a respectful way to create win-win outcomes and synergies within the team. 

EmPower the Yukon – A Proposed Solution for Energy Resilience

Engineer Your Renewable Energy!

Renewable energy solutions and divergence from diesel in the North are topics that hold particular interest. The applied research project for Karen’s MBA was entitled “EmPower the Yukon” and focused on these topics through the lens of social enterprise and community co-operatives. Click the banner below to read the article published in “The Northern Review” in 2020.  Karen is also a new board member for the Solstice Energy Co-operative where she is working with a group of talented people to bring renewable energy co-operative projects to the Yukon. 

If you’re interested in this work and would like to know more, check out this “What’s Up Yukon” article written by Scott Dudiak who works for the Co-op. Or feel free to contact me if you’d like to discuss further. 

Karen's Professional Certifications

  • Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) in Civil Engineering (Environmental Option) from Queen’s University (2005)
  • Master of Business Administration (MBA) in Community Economic Development from Cape Breton University (2018)
  • Soul Purpose Coach with the Dharma Coaching Institute
  • Professional Engineer (P.Eng) registered with Engineers Yukon (License #2724)
  • Project Management Professional (PMP) with the Project Management Institute (Certificate #1663861)
Professional Training
  • Yukon Government “Leadership Pathways” program graduate
  • Cold Regions Engineering Certificate (University of Washington)
  • Solar Panel Installation Training
  • Acid Rock Drainage Prediction
  • Introduction to Metal Leaching and Acid Rock Drainage
  • Megaprojects – Concepts, Strategies and Practices for Success.
Kismet Consulting project management services in whitehorse, yukon

Professional Services FAQ's

We are certified Project Management Professionals, and we have been managing projects in our unique northern environment for over ten years. We know all about short construction windows, long lead times for procurement, and multi-stakeholder engagement. We also bring a fresh approach to project management and deliver solid outcomes while also caring for the people involved in the projects – the owners, the governments who fund them, and the ultimate recipients.

Yes! We provide emotional intelligence support for leaders, and we can apply our MBA and Yukon Government Leadership Pathways program tools to help you better lead your team to project success. 

Yes, we have an excellent reputation for prioritizing customer service and delivering successful projects in the North. 

Our experience involves a wide range of civil and environmental projects including municipal water and wastewater projects, renewable energy projects, and mine remediation. We are trained in cold climate engineering, solar installation, and acid rock drainage, and we love working on projects that build community resilience.

Because we want to embrace both  our inner cheerleader and our inner geek (we have been blessed with a nurturing side as well as an analytical side). We truly connect the heart to the mind to help you get to where you want to go! 

We are all about collaboration, and projects for communities work best when they involve the community! We use our social empathy to seek views from different contributors (municipalities, residents, First Nations etc), thereby improving outcomes and increasing chances of project success.